Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 200,000th, The White Whale!

000_0538croppedIf you've ever seen what I drive, you've wondered why I drive what I drive.

Good question! Well, it all goes back to my old Vanagon days (sorry, no picture handy, if you're not familiar they look like this. I loved my Vanagon! Anyway, when I was working at the pipe organ shop, I still had the Vanagon but the transmission was on its way out. The shop had this The White Whale (Ford Club Wagon) and it was about to be replaced, and the owner thought I might want it as a replacement for my Vanagon.000_0112 I really didn't want it. The Vanagon was cool. There is nothing cool about The White Whale. But I thought about it because I thought I might get a good deal on it and then could fix a few things and resell it at a profit.

One day the brakes went out on The White Whale, just after an expensive cooling system repair, and the boss was not happy. Knowing that there was likely to be a discount for a van with no brakes, and knowing that I could fix it, I inquired once again about the van. He said "if you get it out of here, its yours!".

Oh!! Well, ok, then.

So I drove it home, sslloowwwlllyyyy, in first gear (the parking brake didn't really work either, but was slightly better than dragging feet), repaired the brakes, and had this... van. thing. So I thought... cool! I can probably get a couple thousand for this thing! Oh, but wait, dad needs to haul some lumber first. We'll do that, then I'll sell it.

Then all of a sudden, uh, oh, I need to move to Burlington to do a summer training program with the Navigators in Burlington. An 8 passenger van would be hugely useful for that. I'll sell it after the training program is over.

Then, woops, suddenly I'm doing odd jobs and home repairs to make money while returning to school... It'll be really useful for picking up supplies.

Then I got a normal (sort of) job. Now I can sell it, right?!

Uh, oh, but wait. Now a church friend needs help with a move. Another bought a large item and needs to pick it up. And then another friend. And another move.

And so it looks like I may be stuck with The White Whale for a while longer. But as soon as God doesn't have any more uses for it to serve the body of Christ....

.... I'm gonna sell it.


Blogger Paul Dame said...

I see your delema. You'd like to sell it, but you also like seeing it used for God's purposes. Well, I think Doug once gave you a good solution; sell it to him. He wants a van like that so he can use it the way you've been using it. And unlike selling to some stranger, when you realize it could come in handy, you might be able to borrow it from Doug - you know how he is about letting people borrow vehicles (and if you don't know, then I'm sure your roommate does)

But I suspect that perhaps you might be growing just a tad fond of it, that's why you've clung on to it so long. ;)

July 06, 2006  
Blogger AndyOfVermont said...

I'm pretty unfond of it really, but I have become fond of being able to haul anything anywhere anytime. It's just unbelievable what can be done when you have a fullsize van.

Actually, truth be told, I'm ready to get rid of it now... but for the same reasons I'm postponing buying another boat, I'm postponing buying another car. A house or condo is imminent. I'm pinching my pennies until that happens or at least have a better idea of the timeline for that. I have the van, and it gets me around. Make it do or do without, I say. :-)

July 06, 2006  
Blogger AndyOfVermont said...

By the way, I don't think I've ever seen you spell dilemma the same way twice. I propose a new spelling. DaLlama

July 06, 2006  

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